My Opinion




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I just want to say...


W '04



I'm sure everyone you know has an opinion on the election in November.... well, here's mine (it has four parts, so just say with me):


1.  What our government is afraid to admit is that this is a religious war we've found ourselves in.  It is a war between the Christians and the Muslims.  This may sound too simplified or even unfair, but it is the truth.  So let me explain.  First, no not all Muslims are terrorists.  In fact, most Muslims are peace loving.  So were most Nazis.  It was Hitler and his relatively small fascia of follwers that tried to take over the world.  The same goes for this relatively small terrorist group of Muslims.  They are raised to believe it is their duty to kill any and all infidels (also referred to as Christians).  This is preached, taught, and brow-beat into them from the time they are born.  Second, no not all Americans are Christians, but America is considered to be a "Christian Nation".  This is why the terrorist attacks are directed towards us.  Also, this war did not start on 9-11-01.  It was going on when the Twin Towers were attacked the first time, it was going on when terrorists threated the Olympics, it has been going on for years.  Some people say we have no business being over there, that we're serving no purpose.  Of course we are.  Have we been attacked here in our homeland since we deployed?  They attacked us originally because our defenses suck, but our offense is great.  If we are pounding them with one beating after another, they don't have time to regroup and plan an attack on us.  They're too busy running for their own lives.  You say we shouldn't be over there?  I say we have no choice.  It's either fight them there now, or fight them here later.  We can't back down because the terrorists know if we can't stop them, nobody can.  If we back down and pull out, we will no longer live in a free world, but a world ruled by terrorism.  That's not the kind of world I want to live in, or raise my children in, or watch my grandchildren grow up in.  We have to stand up and fight.  We must defend our right to be free and feel safe.  That is our right.  We must defend ourselves and our freedom from anyone who dares to try and take it away.  Terrorists think they can scare us into defeat.  We have to show them that we aren't scared.  This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.


2.  If you are a Christian and believe in God, I don't see how you can even think about voting for a man who is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriages, and believes gay people are born that way - aka John Kerry.  These things are not biblically based.  The Bible clearly states that murder is wrong.  Some people may argue that an aborting an unborn child is not murder.  Most courts have ruled that a mother who abuses cocaine or other such drugs while pregnant can be tried and convicted for abusing her child.  Is it not the same concept?  If an unborn child is considered human at that point to be used in a trial against a drug-addicted mother, shouldn't the same unborn child also be considered human at that point to make abortion murder?  And people are NOT born gay.  The Bible specifically preaches AGAINST homosexual relationships.  Homosexuality is not something you are born with, it is a decision you make somewhere in life.  There is nothing natural to it.  It's just plain wrong.  If you call yourself a Christian how can you vote for a man who unabashedly goes against God's word?










Thank you for your time!


And when he gets to Heaven,
To Saint Peter he will tell:
One more soldier reporting, sir -
I've served my time in Hell.



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