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 This is miscellaneous stuff that didn't fall under any other category, but I still felt like sharing it.  Hope you enjoy.


Worst Case Scenarios
Southern Stuff
Midway Signs




  Guess what... there's proof daydreaming is actually good for you. Daydreaming is looked upon
  negatively because it represents 'non-doing' in a society that emphasizes productivity.  But
  psychologists have said that daydreaming can actually boost productivity.  At their best, daydreams
  allow you "a range of possibilities which, in the hard cold light of reality, aren't possible.  Specifically,
  daydreaming helps you:
Relax.  Like meditation, daydreaming allows your mind to take a break, a mini-vacation in which to
     release tension and anxiety and "return" refreshed. It's also very useful for controlling anxiety and
     phobias. By mentally rehearsing the various steps involved -- for flying: driving to the airport, getting
     on the plane, taking off, etc. -- you'll be better able to handle the actual events. It also helps to
     practice deep breathing anytime a certain thought makes you tense.

Manage conflict. The same kind of organized daydreaming -- or visualization --  used to curb
      anxiety is also useful for personal conflicts. As you review in your mind an argument you had with
      someone, you go back and imagine responding differently than you did. Try this a few times,
      responding differently each time, and you'll begin to figure out better ways of dealing with the person
      in the future.

* Maintain relationships. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially among daydreamers.
      Happy couples tend to think about one another when they're apart, which has the effect of
      psychologically maintaining the relationship.
* Boost creativity and achieve goals. The beauty of daydreams is that nothing is iimpossible. "I find
      that when I aim high while daydreaming, I end up working harder to make my dreams become
      realities." says author Jen Singer.  Olympic athletes and performers use this same kind of visualization,
      which has been shown to help their performance in the way that actual physical practice does.



         Dear Daughter,
               I just wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
         You are beautiful from the inside out.  I love it when you
         smile and share your joy with others.
               You are talented.  I'm glad you notice and cherish all
         I have given you.  It makes Me smile when I see you
         blessing others with the talents I have given you.
               I designed you especially to bring My love into this
         world.  I made you just the way you are for special reasons
         It is such a joy to watch you grow, mature, and discover
         your gifts.  You are My own daughter, My special
         creation, My unique treasure.
               Always remember that I made you in My own image.
         That means you are beautiful, kind, loving, caring, giving,
         and full of many gifts.
                Continue to ask for My directions as I show you how
         to use your time,  treasures,  and talents.  Be happy and
         know that I made a treasure when I made you.

         I love you forever,
         Your heavenly Father.



  Things I’ve learned from too much TV (if you have any you more,
   let me know):

  -If you’re home alone, NEVER go see what that sound was.
  -Never say “I’ll be right back”… because you won’t.
  -Just listen to the background music, it always tells you what’s about
    to happen.
  -Behind every bad thing that happens in life, there’s a good moral
    lesson to be learned.
  -It's really easy to sound cool with those quick, witty come-backs
    when you've got someone pouring sweat and blood over all of your
    lines.... no one in real life is that good.
  -If you're blonde and dressed in a mini skirt, you're just asking to be
    the victim of some psycho-crazed maniac.  Go brunettes!!!
  -If you ever have a problem with pesky burglars, hire a kid and leave
    him alone in your house.  Just ask the kid from Home Alone 1 and 2,
    and the other kid from Home Alone 3.
  -If you're a pesky burglar, you have nothing to worry about. Even if
    you get severely shocked, hit on the head with several heavy items,
    trip on marbles, have something sprayed in your eyes...(or
    whatever else that little kid can think of)... it's not going to kill you.
    You'll get right back up and ask for more until the police arrive.
  -If something is falling and heading straight for your head, don't
    stand there staring at it, that's not going to make it stop.






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This site was last updated 04/14/05